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This dendrite contains materials about things I am publicly committed to. It has been inspired from Daniel Mietchen's pledges (


I pledge to observe the following principles in my knowledge-related professional and volunteering activities:

  1. only engage in activities where I see sufficient societal benefit;
  2. publicly document my insights into the societal benefits of activities that take up a major part of my time;
  3. take measures to minimize the likelihood that engagement in these activities is detrimental to the health, well-being and integrity of myself other living beings and our planet;
  4. encourage open participation, scrutiny and repurposing of the processes and workflows underlying my activities;
  5. release public outputs of my activities under an open license, and under the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) if I am the sole contributor;
  6. present these principles as my starting point when negotiating collaborations with others;
  7. maintain a [list of frequently asked questions] (pledge.faq) related to activities covered by these principles;
  8. allow for exceptions, and feed data about them into future versions of these principles.
  9. review these principles at least annually and refine them as necessary.


  1. Faq