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Working with the garage door opened

A way of working briefly described by Andy Matuschak here If we apply this "working with the garage door open" idea to a scientific research endeavor I understand it as respecting the core concepts of open-science.

What is interesting is that in a garage you can peek in and get a sense of the tools, the dirt and a bunch of unrelated stuff and the object crafted in the workshop (furnitures, cars, computers, bombs, strange chemicals). You can see these objects in their final form but most of the time you will see them in their unfinished forms. The fact that people passing by are able to peek at the garage in the very early stages of the projects are of much interest and maybe still not very much adopted in science. I would like to experiment on this concept also. This second note of Andy explains this Anti-marketing concept nicely as cf vault/tools.mnemonics


Make the first draft deliberately bad. It’s hard to write something good from nothing. But it’s easy to look at something and say β€œI can at least do better than this idiot.”

Be the idiot.

Then be better. Then be better again...

-- (

A list of similar research endeavors

//TODO make a list of similar types of research strategies in academic or personal research

Daniel Mietchen github is a treasure trove for open science resources and actually a pretty good example of garage with an open door

It looks like Daniel has started to compile some information and examples. Here for the use of Commons in science


A community-centric approach


  1. Meetings
  2. Principles