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Discussion between Daniel Mietchen And Pierre-Marie Allard

Wednesday 03 February 2021

Some starting points regarding the publishing of research ideas:

//TODO Publish an hyper-early stage research project idea on Rio

Data curation is somehow a neglected aspect of academic research

Data science 80% data wrangling and 20 % of cool stuff

No "dynamics" view of the evolution of research ideas / objects,_2019.png

Snapshots :

  • video not doable
  • internet archive not precise enough, tedious

Scholia profiles

some similarities with ?

πŸ€” thoughts : do we only need tools enabling to link/aggregate resources within discipline. Or should we also think about ways to enable links across disciplines. This comes with challenges : not the same keywords, not the same vocabulary potentially different way to share knowledge.

Open research

Share it as soon as you get the result/data but also idea/process See introductory video

New collaborators

Pioneers of open research in Chemistry

Jean-Claude Bradley Peter Murray-Rust

the blue obelisk project link is not active on Peter's page. To fix. So in fact there is no link to the french page of the blue obelisk project. See how to make an interlanguage link,levels%20of%20consensus%20and%20vetting.&text=Interlanguage%20links%20are%20links%20from,equivalent%20page%20in%20another%20language.&text=As%20links%20in%20the%20%22Languages%22%20section%20of%20the%20page's%20left%20sidebar

First wikipedia edit :)

Also added links to Panton Principles and the World Wide Molecular Matrix

Concrete societal impact of research / open-research

Biodiversity conservation
Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future

Note the Ghastly keyword

We should marketing specialist prepare our research paper titles so they get picked up by the media !

Documenting research is also valuable for teaching.

If you have open access to lab book of a researcher then students can at least no stay in the textbooks only but also get a direct feeling or even interaction (pull request/comments) of frontier research.